EDITOR’S NOTE: Part II of a report on book festivals prepared by WAC intern Lindsey Grubbs. This segment looks at the organization and budgets of select festivals (see list in Aug. 30 post). If you would like a copy of the full report, e-mail me and I’ll send you one.
Who sponsors and organizes book festivals? The vast majority of the festivals are sponsored by state or government arts/humanities organizations, such as arts councils, humanities councils, and Centers for the Book. Additionally, many of the festivals are sponsored by a grouping of these organizations, all working together.
The budgets of festivals come from a variety of sources. The larger festivals tend to have a lot of corporate sponsors. They also get support from the media, whether radio stations, TV stations, or newspapers. In almost every case, media sponsorships for festivals consist not of a monetary exchange, but simply of free advertising for the festival. This could range from a small newspaper ad or radio promo, to a large newspaper section, such as the one that The Missoulian sponsors for the Montana Book Festival in