Thursday, November 17, 2005

PROULX & GARDNER SHARE COVER: It’s not often that you’ll see an Olympic champion wrestler and a Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist on the same bill. But the Wyoming Library Roundup’s “Wyoming Authors” issue for fall 2005 does just that. The cover photo features Rulon Gardner when he returned home in triumph to Afton, Wyo., after winning the gold medal in the 2000 Olympics. Under Gardner’s smiling face is a blurb for an interview with Annie Proulx, Pulitzer Prize winner from Centennial. Gardner’s autobiography, Never Stop Pushing, was released in September. Proulx’s most recent book was Bad Dirt: Wyoming Stories 2, released in 2004. A movie based on her 1999 story from Close Range, “Brokeback Mountain,” is set for release on December 9 (you can watch the trailer on Annie's web site).

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