SON OF DEEP WEST: Annette Chaudet at Pronghorn Press in Greybull has notified me that “Deep West: A Literary Tour of Wyoming,” is once again available for ordering, either through her press or your fave bookstore. Annette has filled orders this week for the Arts/Parks/History Store in Cheyenne at the Sheridan Fulmer Public Library, which is using it for a “One Book One Community” project. Thanks to Susan Vittitow, Wyoming Center for the Book director, for getting the book back into print. Proceeds go to help fund WCFB projects, including its “Letters About Literature” competition and a Cheyenne book festival set for the State Capitol Complex in Sept. 2007.
BOARD NO MORE: I have stepped down from the board of the Wyoming Center for the Book. The “Deep West” project did me in. Besides, it’s been a decade-long run and it’s time for others to step into the breech. The WCFB will make some announcements in the next few months about its new slate of board members. By the way, the Wyoming Arts Council was in on the WCFB from its inception in 1994. Guy Lebeda and John Coe helped launch the center along with former director Linn Rounds. Guy moved on to greener fields in Utah in 1995, John took his place on the board, and I replaced John.