Monday, January 09, 2006

SEND US THE WORD ON CULTURAL TRUST: Milward Simpson, recently the WAC manager and now director of Wyoming Cultural Resources, urges the state’s residents to give him input on a draft copy of the Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund rules and regulations. Milward serves on the WCTF board which drafted the new rules during the past few months. Word has it that the Trust will be able to give grants for needs that are not being met by the WAC or any other arts and humanities organization. Those may include grants for basic operating support, stabilization, endowments, and/or capital construction. This is a great opportunity for literary organizations to get in their two cents worth before the WCTF guidelines assume their final shape. It may also be a good way for volunteer-run orgs to request staffing support (full- or part-time), funds for renting or buying a building, or multi-year grants for programs and events. The WCTF could bring stability to literary festivals, writing workshops, small presses, and bookfests. You can see the proposed rules and regs at the State Parks and Cultural Resources website. You can send your written responses to Cultural Trust Fund Board, Attn: Milward Simpson, 2301 Central Avenue, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002. Or call Milward at 307-777-7637.

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