Tuesday, February 21, 2006

SHEPARD SYMPOSIUM EVENTS ANNOUNCED: The tenth annual Shepard Symposium on Social Justice, “Investing in Social Justice: Making the Invisible Visible,” will take place March 29-31 at UW in Laramie. David Shipler will deliver the keynote address at 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 30, in the A&S Auditorium. He’s the author of “The Working Poor: Invisible in America” and “Arab and Jew: Wounded Spirits in the Promised Land” (winner of a Pulitzer Prize). Other events include “Naked Words: Hip Hop ReVoLution” an “adolescent artist showcase of music, poetry, hip hop, break-dancing, graffiti art, and an invitation only single-round slam, from 6:30-10 p.m. on Tuesday, March 28, in the Union Gardens; and a concert by Holly Near at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, March 29, in the Union Ballroom; and a performance of the Diane Wolverton/Kayne Pyatt play, “Bring Back My Body to Me,” on Friday, March 31. FMI: Adrienne Zeller, UW Conferences & Institutes, 1-877-733-3618, ext. 1, azeller@uwyo.edu.

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