Tuesday, May 23, 2006
ANTHOLOGY FEATURES TEEN WRITERS: “The Diverse Voices of Poetry” anthology is available for $5. It features work by teen writers involved in “The Diverse Voices of Poetry” workshop and performance held Oct. 13-14, 2005, at the Atlas Theatre in Cheyenne. Workshop leaders were spoken-word poets George Lee Miles, Akilah Oliver, and Jack Collom. It was sponsored in part by a Wyoming Arts Council grant. Make out your checks (do not send cash) for the anthology to Attention Homes, c/o Megan Oteri, P.O. Box 687, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82003. The anthology was funded by The Wyoming Center for the Book and proceeds will cover unpaid expenses for the workshop. Anthologies will be ready for delivery by May 26. FMI: Megan Oteri at 307-778-7832 ext. 38. You can also leave comments on this post.