Wednesday, August 09, 2006
COURSE LOOKS AT WYO AUTHORS: The University of Wyoming/Casper College (UW/CC) Center in Casper will offer "Studies in Recent Literature from Wyoming" (ENGL 4600 - 50) beginning Aug. 30. According to a press release: “It will discover the rich literature of the Cowboy State, written by contemporary Wyoming authors including Robert Roripaugh, David Romtvedt, John McPhee and others.” Note to the UW PR folks: As much as we would like to claim him, John McPhee is not a WYO author. He wrote the great book about the state’s geological history, “Rising from the Plains,” but lives in New Jersey. But I can’t argue with UW/CC English prof Bruce Richardson and his selection of “Deep West: A Literary Tour of Wyoming” as the main text for the course. Says Bruce: "Each author has different angles or takes on the way things are here. There is a lot of good, interesting writing right here, right now -- written by some very talented authors." Students enrolled in the course will get a first-hand look at many WYO authors as they participate in the Equality State Book Festival Oct. 19-21 in Casper. “Deep West” authors Robert Roripaugh, Annie Proulx, Vicki Lindner, Tom Rea, Page Lambert, John Nesbitt, Alyson Hagy, David Romtvedt, Geoff O’Gara, Tim Sandlin, Linda Hasselstrom, and its esteemed co-editor, yours truly, will participate in the bookfest. For info on the UW/CC Center course, call 307-268-2713.
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