Sunday, August 13, 2006
FRANSCELL EXPLORES CASPER CRIME: "Fall: The Rape and Murder of Innocence in a Small Town," a true crime/memoir by former Wyomingite Ron Franscell, will be released in January by New Horizon Press. It’s the story of Amy and Becky Burridge, who were kidnapped in Casper in 1973 by two men. As Ron puts it in his bookblog: "In the next few hours, the two girls would endure unimaginable horrors before they were pitched alive off a dizzingly high bridge into a dark canyon. One would live and one would die. Unfortunately, that wasn't the end. It was the beginning." Ron will be taking ten days off at his newspaper job in Beaumont, Texas, to return to WYO in December for a book tour. The schedule is still being worked out, but he will come to the Cheyenne Family YMCA Writer’s Voice for a presentation and book signing on Dec. 7. See Ron’s blog for more.
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