Sunday, August 20, 2006
NORTH TO ALASKA: Wyoming Writers, Inc., may be losing one of its in-state members -- but it’s gaining a far-flung correspondent. Cheyenne’s Barbara Wild, who stepped down in June as the WWI president, has taken a job in Alaska. Some details from Barbara: "I am still a member of WWI and hope to write some articles for the newsletter about experiences from the frozen north. I will be at the Maniilaq Health Center working with the Inupiat people in a 35-bed hospital, plus flying to remote (as if Kotzebue is not remote!) villages from time to time. One can Google Maniilaq Association Health Center and see where I will be. Andi Hummel in Hulett tells me I can be a member of the Bear Lodge Writers, Polar Bear Division. Pretty cool, huh? No pun intended."
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